I realize it has been a while since my last blog post, and I hope this update finds you well!

I want to take a moment to catch you up on the work of Imago Dei Leadership Forum (IDLF) and share a post on a Christmas op-ed of mine that was published by Fox News.com this past Sunday, December 17.


In January 2023, I officially closed the non-profit side of IDLF and created an LLC. Since coming to Brookstone, I have had to focus my fundraising efforts on our work here, so this made the most sense—especially as I have folded the student teaching of IDLF into our 8th grade class.

For the past four years, I have had the privilege of teaching over 50 students here at Brookstone the In Whose Image? curriculum. Now on its third edition, it has been a great blessing to see our students engage the lessons and to receive their valuable feedback and insights.

I have also had the blessing of taking two student groups from Brookstone to Washington, D.C., enabling them to enjoy the experiences of my previous Leadership Forums trips–visiting meaningful historical sites, museums, and monuments, as well as hearing from wonderful speakers such as Bob Woodson, Shannon Bream, U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black, Tim Goeglein, and Congressman Robert Aderholt, to name a few.

By God’s grace, I have also been able to discuss the work of IDLF with other urban school educators from around the country. This past June, I served as the keynote speaker for the ACSI Urban School Gathering here in Charlotte, where I met many new friends and learned about the important work taking place in schools for under-resourced students around the country. In August, I was invited to lead the Culturally Responsive School Summit in Montgomery, AL.  Sponsored by Montgomery Christian School, the event brought together close to 80 educators to explore such topics as “Being a Trauma-Informed School,” Teaching with Poverty in Mind,” “Teaching U.S. History Through the Imago Dei Lens,” and “Hollywood Meets the Apostles Creed.”

Christmas Op-Ed

Regarding the topic “Hollywood Meets the Apostles Creed,” I wrote a Christmas Op-ed this week for FoxNews.com to share what I have learned over the years regarding the importance of images related to the Bible—especially ones that are not biblical and can be mislead and/or lead others astray.  I hope you enjoy this testimony!


Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas Season!

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